This mission has been established under the subtle guidance of Bhagwan Devatma and is registered as a charitable trust in Roorkee, India. Objective
- To instill positive and constructive thinking in mankind in order to enhance Atmabal of the people and to liberate their souls from the grip of negativity, vicious love and vicious hate.
- To explain to the people, the essence of teachings pertaining to their religion and sect and inspire them to live these teachings in their daily life.
- Conducting seminars (atmabal vikas shivirs) in order to steer the present day society towards spirituality and altruism.
- Publication and distribution of quality literature and audio cassettes/CDs/DVDs for promoting human values.
- Publication of monthly magazine ‘Satya Dev Samvad’, a treasure of prose and verse extolling spiritual living. It also includes news and reports pertaining to the mission.
- Teaching ‘shubh kamana’ technique.
- Establishing ‘Atmabal Vikas Kendras’ (development centres) for helping altruistic organizations (old age homes, schools for handicapped, orphanages, hospitals, cattle shelters) in cash, kind or voluntary work.
- Providing energy-based healing through mediums from amongst our members, in order to relieve/cure suffering from physical & mental ailments.
- This is done as a free service to humanity. Conducting Yoga and Pranayama sessions for keeping the mind and body healthy.
- Celebration of festivals honoring various beneficent relations which form the very basis of our existence, viz. parents and children, siblings, spouses, motherland, mankind, animals, plants, inanimate beings and parlok (world after life).
- Celebration of Bhagwan Devatma’s holy birthday by organising ‘Atmabal Vikas Mahashivir’ on a grand scale.
Mission Membership
The membership of the mission is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, sex, religion or sect. The mission makes it obligatory for its members to pledge themselves against eight specific sins or vices, viz. the use of intoxicants, eating of non-vegetarian food, gambling, dishonesty, theft, bribery, adultery and undue killing.
Better Life Training Institute (Regd.), Roorkee
This institute is a part of SDBM. It is advancing the mission’s spiritual activities through a network of volunteers in order to achieve the goals of the mission.
Smt. Kasturi Devi Memorial Gaushala
This Gaushala is being run by the Mission hhat Vill. Jatonwala, Distt. Saharanpur, U.P. This is providing shelter to a number of cows and calves, that might have been slaughtered otherwise.
The mission is rendering invaluable service by instilling scientific outlook in people, by improving the moral fibre of the society and by producing ethical, trustworthy and upstanding citizens. It has produced scores of self-sacrificing workers, who have been instrumental in saving hundreds and thousands of people from vicious love and vicious hate, sins
and superstitions/false beliefs.
The SDBM is working tirelessly to accomplish Bhagwan Devatma’s mission of establishing paradise on earth through transformation of the peoples’ heart. Thus, SDBM deserves the help and support of people of all lands and governments to
bring about highest good of the mankind.