Satya Dharam Bodh Mission

Birth of Soul

The individual human soul begins its career in the womb of a woman, after man’s sperm in certain conditions penetrates her ovum. The ovum is thus fertilized and the female and male cells by their mutual attraction being united, become thereby one new living cell with a new life-force, and this new life-force or infant soul receives by this process the needed power of building or constructing a very complicated living machinery of human body.

    When the infant soul is properly established in the womb, it begins its constructive work from the material, which is supplied to it by its own ovum in the beginning, and then by the blood of its mother. If no mishap happens, it completes its bodily organism in about forty weeks and then it comes out of the womb, in a new world, and commences its career here. It then gradually develops not only its body with its brain, but along with it, its emotional and mental powers as well, and in time becomes conscious of its own individual being or entity.
    According to the immutable law of Nature, not only the organic life-force of man, but every organic life-force, whether in a plant or an animal, builds its own living body. For instance, if we sow a living grain of wheat or gram, having sufficiently strong constructive power in it, it builds up a plant for itself under favorable circumstances according to its own type. But if we kill or sterilize this life-force in the above grains by heat or poison then no matter however favorable conditions they may be placed in, they would not germinate or be able to build up any living plant body. Similarly, if we take an egg of a hen which contains in it a life-force having sufficiently strong constructive power, it will under favorable condition build up, in due time, a living body of a chicken. But if the life force of the egg is killed by boiling or by some other means, it cannot under any circumstances produce a chicken.
    Hence, the life force or soul of man is the builder and cause of the production of his living body. It is also under favorable conditions, the nourisher, sustainer and mover of his body, for, when this life-power or soul leaves it, it dies out and gets decomposed by surrounding destructive forces. The life-force or soul, therefore, is the most essential thing in man’s existence.
Shubh Ho! Shubh Ho! Shubh Ho! Shubh Ho!
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