Satya Dharam Bodh Mission

Bhagwan Devatma

How blessed was that moment, when in the course of the grand evolutionary process on December 20, 1850 with the very first ray of the sun, the eternal Nature gifted to this world, a unique child at Akbarpur(Kanpur), India, who developed the spiritual excellence of a complete love towards truth and goodness and a complete hatred towards untruth and evil ! For these exceptional qualities, later on in his life, the title of ‘Devatma’ was bestowed upon him. From his very childhood, his life was filled with purity, charity and kindness for all the four realms of the universe viz. Inanimate, Plant, Animal and Human.

At the age of 16, he joined ‘Thomason College of Civil Engineering, Roorkee, India (presently known as Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee). He completed his education with ‘Great Credit’ and his Principal, A.M.Lang, wrote in his character certificate that he would be ‘A Man of Mark’.

In 1882, at Lahore, this religious genius undertook the unique vow of spiritual regeneration of the world by uttering these historic lines:

May truth, goodness and beauty,
My foremost aims represent !
In the service of the world,
May my life be fully spent !

In 1887, Devatma founded Satya Dharma in order to fulfill his unique spiritual journey. In course of time, he found that scientific method is the only method to determine truth even in the field of philosophy and religion. In 1895, amidst the fiercest storm of opposition, he carried on his hard and painstaking research for 30 years to discover the philosophy of human life especially of the soul. He succeeded in raising a new edifice of scientific religion and renovated his mission accordingly.

He was a voracious reader, an eloquent speaker, a great social reformer and a prolific writer. He was an editor and an author. He was crowned for his autobiography and his masterwork — Dev Shastra (1928).

Devatma developed a secular ethics, a secular religion and he was the first and the last to do so in the first quarter of the twentieth century. He was a unique manifestation, exhibiting exemplary conduct in all human and sub-human relations. Dev Shastra IV contains his prescribed code of conduct in various relations. His teachings give concrete guidance regarding how one should cultivate truthful and harmonious adjustments to all relationships with respect to all the realms.
He practised, what he preached. His psychic powers show the ugliness of sinful life and the grandeur of altruistic life. As a result, hearts of hundreds and thousands of people were transformed and saved from evils. They started leading a positive and useful life.

His philosophy(Devatma Darshan) deserves to be put into global focus for interesting and useful discussions. Presently, under his subtle guidance, Satya Dharma Bodh Mission (SDBM), Roorkee (India) is committed to be instrumental in fulfilling his unique ‘life vow’.

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